Camila Mendes is an American actress and famous singer.

Camila Mendes has a net worth of $7 million in 2022.

Monthly Income:-$40,000 + Yearly Income;-$0.5 Million + 

Full Name:-Camila Carraro Mendes Nick Name:-Camila Mendes 

Birth Place:-Charlottesville, Virginia, United States Date Of Birth:-29 June 1994 Age:-28 years 

Height:-157cm (5′ 15″) Weight:-55 Kg (121.25 lbs) 

Father –Victor Mendes Mother –Gisel Mendes Siblings:-Kiara Moreno 

School:-American Heritage School College:-NYU’s Tisch School of Arts 

 In the year 2016, she got the chance to perform the “silver-tongued high school sophomore” role in the Riverdale drama series.